Source code for special.utils_spec

#! /usr/bin/env python

Utility functions for spectral fitting.

__author__ = 'Valentin Christiaens'
__all__ = ['akaike',

import astropy.constants as c
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import gaussian
[docs]def akaike(LnL, k): """ Computes the Akaike Information Criterion: 2k-2ln(L), where k is the number of estimated parameters in the model and LnL is the max ln-likelihood for the model. Parameters ---------- LnL : float Max ln-likelihood for the considered model. k : int Number of estimated parameters in the model. Returns ------- aic : float Akaike Information Criterion """ return 2*k-2*LnL
[docs]def blackbody(lbda, T): """ Planck function. Returns specific intensity for an input wavelength vector lbda (in micrometers) and a given input temperature. Parameters ---------- lbda : numpy array 1d numpy array corresponding to the wavelengths (in microns) for the desired output specific intensities. T : float Temperature Returns ------- B_lambda : float Specific intensity corresponding to the Planck function. """ fac = 2*c.h.value*(c.c.value**2)/(np.power(lbda*1e-6,5)) div = (1/(np.exp((c.h.value*c.c.value)/((lbda*1e-6)*c.k_B.value*T))-1)) # convert from W m-3 Sr-1 to W m-2 mu-1 Sr-1 conv = 1e-6 return fac*div*conv
[docs]def convert_F_units(F, lbda, in_unit='cgs', out_unit='si'): """ Function to convert Flux density between [ergs s-1 cm-2 um-1], [W m-2 um-1] and [Jy]. Parameters ---------- F: float or 1d array Flux lbda: float or 1d array Wavelength of the flux (in um) in_unit: str, opt, {"si", "cgs", "jy", "cgsA"} Input flux units. 'si': W/m^2/mu; 'cgs': ergs/s/cm^2/mu 'jy': janskys 'cgsA': erg/s/cm^2/AA out_unit: str, opt {"si", "cgs", "jy"} Output flux units. Returns ------- Flux in output units. """ if in_unit == 'cgs': new_F = (F*1e23*np.power(lbda,2))/(c.c.value*1e6) # convert to jy elif in_unit == 'cgsA': new_F = (F*1e27*np.power(lbda,2))/(c.c.value*1e6) # convert to jy elif in_unit == 'si': new_F = (F*1e26*np.power(lbda,2))/(c.c.value*1e6) # convert to jy elif in_unit == "jy": new_F=F else: msg = "in_unit not recognized, try either 'cgs', 'si' or 'jy'." raise TypeError(msg) if out_unit == 'jy': return new_F elif out_unit == 'cgs': return new_F*1e-23*c.c.value*1e6/np.power(lbda,2) elif out_unit == 'si': return new_F*1e-26*c.c.value*1e6/np.power(lbda,2) else: msg = "out_unit not recognized, try either 'cgs', 'si' or 'jy'." raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]def convert_F_vs_mag(value, F_0=None, band='H', system='Johnson', conversion='to_mag'): """ Function to convert Flux density (in Jy) to magnitude in a given band, or the opposite. Sources for zero points: * TOKUNAGA chapter on IR astronomy (from Cohen 1992) * UKIRT webpage: \ ( * van der Bliek et al. 1996 (ESO standard stars) Parameters ---------- value: float Flux or magnitude to be converted. F_0: float, opt Zero-point flux. If provided will take precedence over band. band: str, opt Band of the given flux or magnitude. Choice between: {'U','B','V', 'R', 'I', 'J', 'H', 'K', "L", "L'", 'M', 'N', 'O'} (but not for all band systems). system: str, opt Band system. Choice between: {'Johnson;,'2MASS', 'UKIRT', 'ESO'} conversion: str, opt In which sense to convert: flux to mag ('to_mag') or mag to flux ('to_flux') Returns ------- Converted flux or magnitude. """ dico_zero_pts_Jo = {'U': [0.36,1823.], 'B': [0.44,4130.], 'V': [0.55,3781.], 'R': [0.71,2941.], 'I': [0.97,2635.], 'J': [1.25,1603.], 'H': [1.60,1075.], 'K': [2.22,667.], 'L': [3.54,288.], 'M': [4.80,170.], 'N': [10.6,36.], 'O': [21.0,9.4]} dico_zero_pts_2M = {'J': [1.235,1594.], 'H': [1.662,1024.], 'K': [2.159,666.7]} dico_zero_pts_UK = {'V': [0.5556,3540.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'I': [0.9,2250.], # UKIRT webpage 'J': [1.215,1630.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'H': [1.654,1050.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'Ks': [2.157,667.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'K': [2.179,655.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'L': [3.547,276.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) "L'": [3.761,248.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'M': [4.769,160.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) '8.7': [8.756,50.], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'N': [10.472,35.3], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) '11.7': [11.653,28.6], # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) 'Q': [20.13,9.7]} # TOKUNAGA (from Cohen 1992) dico_zero_pts_ESO = {'J': [1.228,3.44e-9], # van der Bliek 1996 'H': [1.651,1.21e-9], # van der Bliek 1996 'K': [2.216,4.12e-10], # van der Bliek 1996 "L'": [3.771,5.58e-11], # van der Bliek 1996 "M": [4.772,2.21e-11]} # van der Bliek 1996 if F_0 is None: if system == 'Johnson' and band in dico_zero_pts_Jo: dico_F_0 = dico_zero_pts_Jo elif system == '2MASS' and band in dico_zero_pts_2M: dico_F_0 = dico_zero_pts_2M elif system == 'UKIRT' and band in dico_zero_pts_UK: dico_F_0 = dico_zero_pts_UK elif system == 'ESO' and band in dico_zero_pts_UK: dico_F_0 = dico_zero_pts_ESO else: msg = 'Combination of band name and band system not recognized.' raise TypeError(msg) F_0 = dico_F_0[band][1] if system == 'ESO': # convert from W m-2 mu-1 to Jy F_0 = convert_F_units(F_0, dico_F_0[band][0], in_unit='si', out_unit='jy') if conversion == 'to_mag': return -2.5*np.log10(value/F_0) elif conversion == 'to_flux': return F_0*np.power(10.,-value/2.5) else: msg = "conversion not recognized, must be 'to_mag' or 'to_flux'." raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]def extinction(lbda, AV, RV=3.1): """ Calculates the A(lambda) extinction for a given combination of A_V and R_V. If R_V is not provided, assumes an ISM value of R_V=3.1 Uses the Cardelli et al. (1989) empirical formulas. Parameters ---------- lbda : 1d np.ndarray Array with the wavelengths (um) for which the extinction is calculated. AV : float Extinction (mag) in the V band. RV : float, opt Reddening in the V band: R_V = A_V / E(B-V) Returns ------- Albda: 1d np.ndarray Extinction (mag) at wavelengths lbda. """ xx = 1./lbda yy = xx - 1.82 a_c = np.zeros_like(xx) b_c = np.zeros_like(xx) indices = np.where(xx < 1.1)[0] if len(indices) > 0: a_c[indices] = 0.574*np.power(xx[indices], 1.61) b_c[indices] = -0.527*np.power(xx[indices], 1.61) indices = np.where(xx >= 1.1)[0] if len(indices) > 0: a_c[indices] = 1. + 0.17699*yy[indices] - 0.50447*yy[indices]**2 - \ 0.02427*yy[indices]**3 + 0.72085*yy[indices]**4 + \ 0.01979*yy[indices]**5 - 0.77530*yy[indices]**6 + \ 0.32999*yy[indices]**7 b_c[indices] = 1.41338*yy[indices] + 2.28305*yy[indices]**2 + \ 1.07233*yy[indices]**3 - 5.38434*yy[indices]**4 - \ 0.62251*yy[indices]**5 + 5.30260*yy[indices]**6 - \ 2.09002*yy[indices]**7 return AV * (a_c + b_c/RV)
[docs]def find_nearest(array, value, output='index', constraint=None, n=1): """ Function to find the indices, and optionally the values, of an array's n closest elements to a certain value. Parameters ---------- array: 1d numpy array or list Array in which to check the closest element to value. value: float Value for which the algorithm searches for the n closest elements in the array. output: str, opt {'index','value','both' } Set what is returned constraint: str, opt {None, 'ceil', 'floor'} If not None, will check for the closest element larger than value (ceil) or closest element smaller than value (floor). n: int, opt Number of elements to be returned, sorted by proximity to the values. Default: only the closest value is returned. Returns ------- Either: (output='index'): index/indices of the closest n value(s) in the array; (output='value'): the closest n value(s) in the array, (output='both'): closest value(s) and index/-ices, respectively. By default, only returns the index/indices. Possible constraints: 'ceil', 'floor', None ("ceil" will return the closest element with a value greater than 'value', "floor" the opposite) """ if isinstance(array, np.ndarray): pass elif isinstance(array, list): array = np.array(array) else: raise ValueError("Input type for array should be np.ndarray or list.") if constraint is None: fm = np.absolute(array-value) idx = fm.argsort()[:n] elif constraint == 'floor' or constraint == 'ceil': indices = np.arange(len(array),dtype=np.int32) if constraint == 'floor': fm = -(array-value) else: fm = array-value crop_indices = indices[np.where(fm>0)] fm = fm[np.where(fm>0)] idx = fm.argsort()[:n] idx = crop_indices[idx] if len(idx)==0: msg = "No indices match the constraint ({} w.r.t {:.2f})" print(msg.format(constraint,value)) raise ValueError("No indices match the constraint") else: raise ValueError("Constraint not recognised") if n == 1: idx = idx[0] if output=='index': return idx elif output=='value': return array[idx] else: return array[idx], idx
[docs]def inject_em_line(wl, flux, lbda, spec, width=None, height=0.1, em=True): """ Injects an emission (or absorption) line in a spectrum. Parameters ---------- wl: float Wavelength of the line flux: float Flux of the line to be injected lbda : 1d np.ndarray Array with the wavelengths (um) of the input spectrum. spec : 1d np.ndarray Input spectrum fluxes width : float, opt Full width of the line in mu (see also height). The line will be injected assuming a gaussian profile. If not provided, the width will be set to the 'equivalent width' of the line. height: float, opt Ratio to peak where the line width is considered. E.g. if height=10%, the width will be the full width at 10% maximum. em: bool, opt Whether emission (True) or absorption (False) line. Returns ------- spec: 1d np.ndarray Spectrum with the injected line """ # convert ew, assuming it's in mu idx_mid = find_nearest(lbda, wl) nch = len(lbda) dlbda = (lbda[idx_mid+1]-lbda[idx_mid-1])/2 # estimate model continuum level using adjacent channels in the spectrum lbda_b0 = 0.99*lbda[idx_mid] idx_b0 = find_nearest(lbda, lbda_b0, constraint='floor')-1 lbda_b1 = 0.995*lbda[idx_mid] idx_b1 = find_nearest(lbda, lbda_b1, constraint='floor') lbda_r1 = 1.01*lbda[idx_mid] idx_r1 = find_nearest(lbda, lbda_r1, constraint='ceil')+1 lbda_r0 = 1.005*lbda[idx_mid] idx_r0 = find_nearest(lbda, lbda_r0, constraint='ceil') if idx_b0<0 or idx_r1>nch-1: raise ValueError("The line is too close from the edge of the spectrum") spec_b = spec[idx_b0:idx_b1+1] spec_r = spec[idx_r0:idx_r1+1] cont = np.median(np.concatenate((spec_b,spec_r))) if width is None: # infer ew ew = flux/cont # infer gaussian profile assuming FWHM = EW stddev = ew/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(1/height))) else: stddev = width/(2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(1/height))) win_sz = int((5*stddev)/dlbda) if win_sz%2==0: win_sz+=1 idx_ini = int(idx_mid - (win_sz-1)/2) if idx_ini<0: msg = "idx ini for line injection negative: try smaller line flux" msg+= " than: {} W/m2 (surface flux)" raise ValueError(msg.format(flux)) elif idx_ini+win_sz>len(spec): msg = "idx fin for line injection larger than spec length: try smaller" msg += " line flux than: {} W/m2 (surface flux)" raise ValueError(msg.format(flux)) if win_sz<1: raise ValueError("window size for line injection = {}<1".format(win_sz)) elif win_sz==1: gaus = flux/dlbda else: gaus = gaussian(win_sz,stddev/dlbda) # scale the gaussian to contain exactly required flux dlbda_tmp = lbda[idx_ini+1:idx_ini+win_sz+1]-lbda[idx_ini:idx_ini+win_sz] gaus = flux*gaus/(np.sum(gaus)*dlbda_tmp) if em: spec[idx_ini:idx_ini+win_sz] += gaus else: spec[idx_ini:idx_ini+win_sz] -= gaus return spec
[docs]def mj_from_rj_and_logg(rp, logg): """ Estimates a planet mass in Jupiter mass for a given radius in Jupiter radius and the log of the surface gravity. Parameters ---------- rp: float Planet radius in Jupiter radii logg: float Log of the surface gravity Returns ------- mj: float Planet mass in Jupiter masses """ surf_g = 1e-2 * np.power(10.,logg) # (m s-2) rpJ = rp*c.R_jup.value # (m) mp = surf_g*np.power(rpJ,2)/c.G.value # (kg) mp /= c.M_jup.value # (Mjup) return mp
[docs]def nrefrac(wavelength, density=1.0): """ Calculates refractive index of air from Cauchy formula. For comparisong to measurements from the ground, the wavelenghts of model spectra must be slightly shifted using: lbda_shift = lbda_model/(1+(nrefrac*1e-6)) Input: wavelength in Angstrom, Returns N = (n-1) * 1.e6. Credit: France Allard. Parameters ---------- wavelength: numpy array 1d numpy array corresponding to the wavelengths of the input spectrum in Angstrom density: float density of air in amagat (relative to STP, e.g. ~10% decrease per 1000m above sea level). Returns ------- N: float Refractive index """ # The IAU standard for conversion from air to vacuum wavelengths is given # in Morton (1991, ApJS, 77, 119). For vacuum wavelengths (VAC) in # Angstroms, convert to air wavelength (AIR) via: # AIR = VAC / (1.0 + 2.735182E-4 + 131.4182 / VAC^2 + 2.76249E8 / VAC^4) try: wl = np.array(wavelength) except TypeError: return None wl2inv = (1e4/wl)**2 refracstp = 272.643 + 1.2288 * wl2inv + 3.555e-2 * wl2inv**2 return density * refracstp