Source code for special.config

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module with configuration parameters, timing functions and multiprocessing 
utilities (inspired from ``VIP``).

__author__ = 'Valentin Christiaens, C. A. Gomez Gonzalez'

__all__ = ['time_ini',

from datetime import datetime
import itertools as itt
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys

sep = '―' * 80
figsize = (8, 5)
figdpi = 100

[docs]def time_ini(verbose=True): """ Set and print the time at which the script started. Returns ------- start_time : string Starting time. """ start_time = if verbose: print(sep) print("Starting time: " + start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) print(sep) return start_time
[docs]def timing(start_time): """ Print the execution time of a script. It requires the initialization with the function time_ini(). """ print("Running time: " + str( print(sep)
[docs]def time_fin(start_time): """ Return the execution time of a script. It requires the initialization with the function time_ini(). """ return str(
class Progressbar(object): """ Show progress bars. Supports multiple backends. Examples -------- .. code:: python from vip_hci.var import Progressbar Progressbar.backend = "tqdm" from time import sleep for i in Progressbar(range(50)): sleep(0.02) # or: bar = Progressbar(total=50): for i in range(50): sleep(0.02) bar.update() # Progressbar can be disabled globally using Progressbar.backend = "hide" # or locally using the ``verbose`` keyword: Progressbar(iterable, verbose=False) Notes ----- - `leave` keyword is natively supported by tqdm, support could be added to other backends too? """ backend = "pyprind" def __new__(cls, iterable=None, desc=None, total=None, leave=True, backend=None, verbose=True): if backend is None: backend = Progressbar.backend if not verbose: backend = "hide" if backend == "tqdm": from tqdm import tqdm return tqdm(iterable=iterable, desc=desc, total=total, leave=leave, ascii=True, ncols=80, file=sys.stdout, bar_format="{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed" "}<{remaining}{postfix}]") # remove rate_fmt elif backend == "tqdm_notebook": from tqdm import tqdm_notebook return tqdm_notebook(iterable=iterable, desc=desc, total=total, leave=leave) elif backend == "pyprind": from pyprind import ProgBar, prog_bar ProgBar._adjust_width = lambda self: None # keep constant width if iterable is None: return ProgBar(total, title=desc, stream=1) else: return prog_bar(iterable, title=desc, stream=1, iterations=total) elif backend == "hide": return NoProgressbar(iterable=iterable) else: raise NotImplementedError("unknown backend") def set(b): Progressbar.backend = b class NoProgressbar(object): """ Wraps an ``iterable`` to behave like ``Progressbar``, but without producing output. """ def __init__(self, iterable=None): self.iterable = iterable def __iter__(self): return self.iterable.__iter__() def __next__(self): return self.iterable.__next__() def __getattr__(self, key): return self.iterable.key def update(self): pass def eval_func_tuple(f_args): """ Takes a tuple of a function and args, evaluates and returns result""" return f_args[0](*f_args[1:]) class FixedObj(object): def __init__(self, v): self.v = v def iterable(v): """ Helper function for ``pool_map``: prevents the argument from being wrapped in ``itertools.repeat()``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # we have a worker function whic processes a word: def worker(word, method): # ... # we want to process these words in parallel fasion: words = ["lorem", "ipsum", "esse", "ea", "eiusmod"] # but all with method = 1 # we then would use pool_map(3, worker, iterable(words), method) # this results in calling # # worker(words[0], 1) # worker(words[1], 1) # worker(words[2], 1) # ... """ return FixedObj(v) def pool_map(nproc, fkt, *args, **kwargs): """ Abstraction layer for multiprocessing. When ``nproc=1``, the builtin ``map()`` is used. For ``nproc>1`` a ``multiprocessing.Pool`` is created. Parameters ---------- nproc : int Number of processes to use. fkt : callable The function to be called with each ``*args`` *args : function arguments Arguments passed to ``fkt`` By default, ``itertools.repeat`` is applied on all the arguments, except when you wrap the argument in ``iterable()``. msg : str or None, optional Description to be displayed. progressbar_single : bool, optional Display a progress bar when single-processing is used. Defaults to ``False``. verbose : bool, optional Show more output. Also disables the progress bar when set to ``False``. Returns ------- res : list A list with the results. """ msg = kwargs.get("msg", None) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True) progressbar_single = kwargs.get("progressbar_single", False) _generator = kwargs.get("_generator", False) # not exposed in docstring args_r = [a.v if isinstance(a, FixedObj) else itt.repeat(a) for a in args] z = zip(itt.repeat(fkt), *args_r) if nproc == 1: if progressbar_single: total = len([a.v for a in args if isinstance(a, FixedObj)][0]) z = Progressbar(z, desc=msg, verbose=verbose, total=total) res = map(eval_func_tuple, z) if not _generator: res = list(res) else: multiprocessing.set_start_method('fork', force=True) from multiprocessing import Pool # deactivate multithreading os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" if verbose and msg is not None: print("{} with {} processes".format(msg, nproc)) pool = Pool(processes=nproc) if _generator: res = pool.imap(eval_func_tuple, z) else: res =, z) pool.close() pool.join() # reactivate multithreading ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = str(ncpus) os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = str(ncpus) os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(ncpus) return res def pool_imap(nproc, fkt, *args, **kwargs): """ Generator version of ``pool_map``. Useful when showing a progress bar for multiprocessing (see examples). Parameters ---------- nproc : int Number of processes to use. fkt : callable The function to be called with each ``*args`` *args : function arguments Arguments passed to ``fkt`` msg : str or None, optional Description to be displayed. progressbar_single : bool, optional Display a progress bar when single-processing is used. Defaults to ``True``. verbose : bool, optional Show more output. Also disables the progress bar when set to ``False``. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # using pool_map res = pool_map(2, my_worker_function, *args) # using pool_imap with a progessbar: res = list(Progressbar(pool_imap(2, my_worker_function, *args))) """ kwargs["_generator"] = True return pool_map(nproc, fkt, *args, **kwargs) def repeat(*args): """ Applies ``itertools.repeat`` to every ``args``. Examples -------- # instead of using import itertools as itt my_fkt(itt.repeat(a), itt.repeat(b), itt.repeat(c), d, itt.repeat(e)) # you could use `repeat`: my_fkt(*repeat(a, b, c), d, *repeat(e)) """ return [itt.repeat(a) for a in args]