Source code for special.chi

#! /usr/bin/env python

Function defining the goodness of fit.

.. [OLO16]
   | Olofsson et al. 2016
   | **Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals?**
   | *Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 591, p. 108*
   | `

.. [GRE16]
   | Greco & Brandt 2016
   | **The Measurement, Treatment, and Impact of Spectral Covariance and 
     Bayesian Priors in Integral-field Spectroscopy of Exoplanets**
   | *The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 833, Issue 1, p. 134*
   | `

__author__ = 'Valentin Christiaens'
__all__ = ['goodness_of_fit',

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from .config import figsize
from .model_resampling import resample_model
from .utils_spec import extinction

[docs]def goodness_of_fit(lbda_obs, spec_obs, err_obs, lbda_mod, spec_mod, dlbda_obs=None, instru_corr=None, instru_res=None, instru_idx=None, use_weights=True, filter_reader=None, plot=False, outfile=None): """ Function to estimate the goodness of fit indicator defined as in [OLO16]_ (Eq. 8). In addition, if a spectral correlation matrix is provided, it is used to take into account the correlated noise between spectral channels (see [GRE16]_). The goodness of fit indicator is identical to a :math:`\chi^2` if all points are obtained with the same instrument (or ``use_weights`` set to False) and in absence of spectrally correlated noise. Parameters ---------- lbda_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list Wavelengths of observed spectrum. If several instruments were used, the wavelengths should be ordered per instrument, not necessarily as monotonically increasing wavelength. Hereafter, :math:`n_{ch}` is the length of ``lbda_obs``. spec_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list Observed spectrum for each value of ``lbda_obs``. Should have a length of :math:`n_{ch}`. err_obs : numpy 1d/2d ndarray or list Uncertainties on the observed spectrum. The array (list) can have either a length of :math:`n_{ch}`, or a shape of :math:`(2,n_{ch})` for lower (first column) and upper (second column) uncertainties provided. lbda_mod : numpy 1d ndarray or list Wavelengths of tested model. Should have a wider (or equal) wavelength extent than the observed spectrum. spec_mod : numpy 1d ndarray Model spectrum. It does not require the same wavelength sampling as the observed spectrum. If higher spectral resolution, it will be convolved with the instrumental spectral PSF (if ``instru_res`` is provided) and then binned to the same sampling. If lower spectral resolution, a linear interpolation is performed to infer the value at the observed spectrum wavelength sampling. dlbda_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list, optional Respective spectral channel width or FWHM of the photometric filters used for each point of the observed spectrum. This vector is used to infer which part(s) of a combined spectro+photometric spectrum should involve convolution+subsampling (model resolution higher than measurements), interpolation (the opposite), or convolution by the transmission curve of a photometric filter. If not provided, it will be inferred from the difference between consecutive lbda_obs points (i.e. inaccurate for a combined spectrum). It must be provided IF one wants to weigh each measurement based on the spectral resolution of each instrument (as in [OLO16]_), through the ``use_weights`` argument. instru_corr : numpy 2d ndarray, optional Spectral correlation between post-processed images in which the spectrum is measured. It is specific to the instrument, PSF subtraction algorithm and radial separation of the companion from the central star. Can be computed using ``special.spec_corr.spectral_correlation``. In case of a spectrum obtained with different instruments, it is recommended to construct the final spectral_correlation matrix with ``special.spec_corr.combine_corrs``. If ``instru_corr`` is not provided, the uncertainties in each spectral channel will be considered independent. See [GRE16]_ for more details. instru_res : float or list of floats/strings, optional The mean instrumental resolving power(s) OR filter names. This is used to convolve the model spectrum. If several instruments are used, provide a list of resolving power values / filter names, one for each instrument used. instru_idx: numpy 1d array, optional 1d array containing an index representing each instrument used to obtain the spectrum, label them from 0 to the number of instruments (:math:`n_{ins}`). Zero for points that don't correspond to any of the ``instru_res`` values provided, and i in :math:`[1,n_{ins}]` for points associated to instru_res[i-1]. This parameter must be provided if the spectrum consists of points obtained with different instruments. use_weights: bool, optional For the likelihood calculation, whether to weigh each point of the spectrum based on the spectral resolution or bandwidth of photometric filters used. Weights will be proportional to ``dlbda_obs/lbda_obs`` if ``dlbda_obs`` is provided, or set to 1 for all points otherwise. filter_reader: python routine, optional External routine that reads a filter file and returns a 2D numpy array, where the first column corresponds to wavelengths, and the second contains transmission values. Important: if not provided, but strings are detected in instru_res, the default file reader will be used. It assumes the following format for the files: - first row contains headers (titles of each column) - starting from 2nd row: 1st column: wavelength, 2nd col.: transmission - Unit of wavelength can be provided in parentheses of first header \ key name: e.g. "WL(AA)" for angstrom, "wavelength(mu)" for micrometer \ or "lambda(nm)" for nanometer. Note: only what is in parentheses \ matters for the units. plot : bool, optional Whether to plot the measured spectrum and the model spectrum. outfile : string, optional Path+filename for the plot to be saved (won't be saved if not provided). Returns ------- chi_sq : float Goodness of fit indicator. """ lbda_obs = np.array(lbda_obs) spec_obs = np.array(spec_obs) err_obs = np.array(err_obs) lbda_mod = np.array(lbda_mod) spec_mod = np.array(spec_mod) if lbda_obs.ndim != 1 or spec_obs.ndim != 1: raise TypeError('Observed lbda and spec must be lists or 1d arrays') if lbda_obs.shape[0] != spec_obs.shape[0]: raise TypeError('Obs lbda and spec need same shape') if lbda_obs.shape[0] != err_obs.shape[-1]: raise TypeError('Obs lbda and err need same shape') if lbda_mod.ndim != 1 or spec_mod.ndim != 1: raise TypeError('The input model lbda/spec must be lists or 1d arrays') else: if lbda_mod.shape != spec_mod.shape: raise TypeError('The input model lbda and spec need same shape') if dlbda_obs is not None: if isinstance(dlbda_obs, list): dlbda_obs = np.array(dlbda_obs) if lbda_obs.shape != dlbda_obs.shape: raise TypeError('The input lbda_obs and dlbda_obs need same shape') n_ch = lbda_obs.shape[0] # interpolate OR convolve+bin model spectrum if not same sampling if len(lbda_obs) != len(lbda_mod): _,spec_mod_fin = resample_model(lbda_obs, lbda_mod, spec_mod, dlbda_obs, instru_res, instru_idx, filter_reader) elif not np.allclose(lbda_obs, lbda_mod): _,spec_mod_fin = resample_model(lbda_obs, lbda_mod, spec_mod, dlbda_obs, instru_res, instru_idx, filter_reader) else: spec_mod_fin = spec_mod # compute covariance matrix if err_obs.ndim == 2: err_obs = (np.absolute(err_obs[0])+np.absolute(err_obs[1]))/2. if instru_corr is None: instru_corr = np.diag(np.ones(n_ch)) cov = np.ones_like(instru_corr) for ii in range(n_ch): for jj in range(n_ch): cov[ii,jj] = instru_corr[ii,jj]*err_obs[ii]*err_obs[jj] # replace potential NaN values nnan_idx = np.where(np.isfinite(spec_mod_fin)) if len(nnan_idx[0])>0: cov_crop = [] for i in range(len(lbda_obs)): if i in nnan_idx[0]: tmp = cov[i] cov_crop.append(tmp[nnan_idx]) cov = np.array(cov_crop) spec_obs = spec_obs[nnan_idx] spec_mod_fin = spec_mod_fin[nnan_idx] if dlbda_obs is not None: dlbda_obs = dlbda_obs[nnan_idx] lbda_obs = lbda_obs[nnan_idx] delta = spec_obs-spec_mod_fin wi = np.ones_like(lbda_obs) if use_weights and dlbda_obs is not None: if np.sum(np.power((dlbda_obs[1:]/lbda_obs[1:])-(dlbda_obs[:-1]/lbda_obs[:-1]),2))!=0: # normalize weights for their sum to be equal to the number of points wi = np.sqrt(((dlbda_obs/lbda_obs)/np.sum(dlbda_obs/lbda_obs))*dlbda_obs.shape[0]) chi_sq = np.linalg.multi_dot((wi*delta,np.linalg.inv(cov),wi*delta)) if plot: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.plot(lbda_obs, lbda_obs*spec_obs, 'o', alpha=0.6, color='#1f77b4', label="Measured spectrum") ax.plot(lbda_obs, lbda_mod*spec_mod, '-', alpha=0.4, color='#1f77b4', label="Model") plt.xlabel('Wavelength') plt.ylabel(r'Flux density ($\lambda F_{\lambda}$)') plt.xlim(xmin=0.9*lbda_obs[0], xmax=1.1*lbda_obs[-1]) plt.minorticks_on() plt.legend(fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=12, loc='best') plt.grid(which='major', alpha=0.2) if outfile: plt.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches='tight') return chi_sq
[docs]def gof_scal(params, lbda_obs, spec_obs, err_obs, lbda_tmp, spec_tmp, dlbda_obs, instru_corr, instru_res, instru_idx, use_weights, filter_reader, ext_range): """ Wrapper of routine ``special.chi.goodness_of_fit`` for the goodness of fit used to search for the best-fit library template spectrum to an observed spectrum. It has a ``params`` argument to consider the scaling factor and optionnally the differential extinction as free parameter(s). Parameters ---------- params: tuple Tuple of 1 or 2 elements: scaling factor and (optionally) differential optical extinction :math:`\Delta A_V` (:math:`\Delta A_V` can be negative if template spectra are not dereddened). lbda_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list Wavelengths of observed spectrum. If several instruments were used, the wavelengths should be ordered per instrument, not necessarily as monotonically increasing wavelength. Hereafter, :math:`n_{ch}` is the length of ``lbda_obs``. spec_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list Observed spectrum for each value of ``lbda_obs``. Should have a length of :math:`n_{ch}`. err_obs : numpy 1d/2d ndarray or list Uncertainties on the observed spectrum. The array (list) can have either a length of :math:`n_{ch}`, or a shape of :math:`(2,n_{ch})` for lower (first column) and upper (second column) uncertainties provided. lbda_tmp : numpy 1d ndarray or list Wavelengths of tested template. Should have a wider wavelength extent than the observed spectrum. spec_tmp : numpy 1d ndarray Template spectrum. It does not require the same wavelength sampling as the observed spectrum. If higher spectral resolution, it will be convolved with the instrumental spectral PSF (if ``instru_res`` is provided) and then binned to the same sampling. If lower spectral resolution, a linear interpolation is performed to infer the value at the observed spectrum wavelength sampling. dlbda_obs : numpy 1d ndarray or list, optional Respective spectral channel width or FWHM of the photometric filters used for each point of the observed spectrum. This vector is used to infer which part(s) of a combined spectro+photometric spectrum should involve convolution+subsampling (model resolution higher than measurements), interpolation (the opposite), or convolution by the transmission curve of a photometric filter. If not provided, it will be inferred from the difference between consecutive lbda_obs points (i.e. inaccurate for a combined spectrum). It must be provided IF one wants to weigh each measurement based on the spectral resolution of each instrument (as in [OLO16]_), through the ``use_weights`` argument. instru_corr : numpy 2d ndarray, optional Spectral correlation between post-processed images in which the spectrum is measured. It is specific to the instrument, PSF subtraction algorithm and radial separation of the companion from the central star. Can be computed using ``special.spec_corr.spectral_correlation``. In case of a spectrum obtained with different instruments, it is recommended to construct the final spectral_correlation matrix with ``special.spec_corr.combine_corrs``. If ``instru_corr`` is not provided, the uncertainties in each spectral channel will be considered independent. See [GRE16]_ for more details. instru_res : float or list of floats/strings, optional The mean instrumental resolving power(s) OR filter names. This is used to convolve the model spectrum. If several instruments are used, provide a list of resolving power values / filter names, one for each instrument used. instru_idx: numpy 1d array, optional 1d array containing an index representing each instrument used to obtain the spectrum, label them from 0 to the number of instruments (:math:`n_{ins}`). Zero for points that don't correspond to any of the ``instru_res`` values provided, and i in :math:`[1,n_{ins}]` for points associated to instru_res[i-1]. This parameter must be provided if the spectrum consists of points obtained with different instruments. use_weights: bool, optional For the likelihood calculation, whether to weigh each point of the spectrum based on the spectral resolution or bandwidth of photometric filters used. Weights will be proportional to ``dlbda_obs/lbda_obs`` if ``dlbda_obs`` is provided, or set to 1 for all points otherwise. filter_reader: python routine, optional External routine that reads a filter file and returns a 2D numpy array, where the first column corresponds to wavelengths, and the second contains transmission values. Important: if not provided, but strings are detected in instru_res, the default file reader will be used. It assumes the following format for the files: - first row contains headers (titles of each column) - starting from 2nd row: 1st column: wavelength, 2nd col.: transmission - Unit of wavelength can be provided in parentheses of first header \ key name: e.g. "WL(AA)" for angstrom, "wavelength(mu)" for micrometer \ or "lambda(nm)" for nanometer. Note: only what is in parentheses \ matters for the units. ext_range : tuple or None, opt - If None: differential extinction is not considered as a free parameter. - If a tuple: it should contain 2 floats (for simplex \ ``search_mode``) or 3 floats (for grid search ``search_mode``) \ corresponding to the lower limit, upper limit (and step for the grid \ search). For the simplex search, the lower and upper limits are used \ to set a chi square of infinity outside of the range. Returns ------- chi_sq : float Goodness of fit indicator. Note ---- If several filter filenames are provided in ``instru_res``, the filter files must all have the same format and wavelength units (for reading by the same ``filter_reader`` snippet or default function). """ tmp_spec = spec_tmp*params[0] if len(params) == 2: if ext_range is None: raise TypeError("ext_range should be a tuple of 3 elements") else: if params[1]<ext_range[0] or params[1]>ext_range[1]: return np.inf AV=params[1] if len(ext_range) == 3 and abs(AV) < ext_range[-1]: # round to zero if smaller than step AV = 0 Albdas = extinction(lbda_tmp,abs(AV)) extinc_fac = np.power(10.,-Albdas/2.5) if AV>0: tmp_spec *= extinc_fac elif AV<0: tmp_spec /= extinc_fac elif len(params) > 2: raise TypeError("params tuple should have length 1 or 2") return goodness_of_fit(lbda_obs, spec_obs, err_obs, lbda_tmp, tmp_spec, dlbda_obs=dlbda_obs, instru_corr=instru_corr, instru_res=instru_res, instru_idx=instru_idx, use_weights=use_weights, filter_reader=filter_reader)